Are You Serious and treating your business as becoming Top in Fortune 500 lists of companies or becoming mentioned in Forbes? 3-Quick Quizzes to find out.
b) What the Hell is this!
b) I’m Messy
b) Commando
The answers are quite simple:
- If your answers are (a), then CONGRATS! You’re thinking like Fortune/Forbes.
- But If you choose option (b), then you must re-frame your thinking.
Sometimes we think that “What my working desk looks like, Is that matter? And, who cares what I look like in front of my Personal computer / Laptop at home because no one can see me.”
Well, it does really matter because you and your business matter. If you treat your business like value and take care of it regularly, it’ll take care of you at all times.
Why shouldn’t you seriously re-frame your thinking? Your business or working at the home business just like Freelancing, Remote Job, Online recruiting, etc. is just as important as any Fortune 500 Company in the world.
It’s your business and it’s special for you, your family, and your employees as well.
4-Key Steps To Take for Implementation
Are you Serious about Say No More Working with Toys?
Make sure your office is a “no toy zone”. Your office is your asset to earn money, help someone, etc. Protect your office and keep it clean. Use a basket or drawer – and don’t let your toys spread over the office.
Say No More Nightshirts
Would you like to show up to work at Apple, Microsoft, Salesforce, or Samsung in your nightshirt and pajamas, Hey, would you? Don’t wear a high-fi suit, just a simple feel office dress will lead to more professionalism.
Say No To Unnecessary Use of Smartphones
You can use your smartphone to review business-related messages or calls. You have to answer your immediate boss with your replies as soon. So, just stay away from video games, chatting with friends, and TikTok in the office.
Say No To “Giving-up”.
Here is the most Key Step to implement in your life. Start each day with a roaster of planned 4-6 jobs that you assigned or want to complete. If you scheduled the list achievable with Smart Goals, you’ll feel comfortable at the end of the day.
Your Takeaways On Are you Serious with Your Business!
Here we go! Are you seriously ready to treat your business or work at home as a valuable company Fortune 500? I’m 100% sure you’ll take your first step now toward success.
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